Posting A Job With An Assessment

You decrease the time spent on sorting through the huge volume of applications from Job Seekers. You can sort through job seekers based on test scores they achieve. An assessment will not only help you identify candidates that will be a good fit for jobs at your company, but it will also help predict a new hire’s on-the-job performance. It Introduces an element of objectivity into the hiring process by providing standardised results that can be applied to all your applicants.
You need to have both a job credit and an assessment credit to post a job with an assessment. If you don’t have any of these credits, Purchase a job and assessment credit by using this purchase procedure
Click on the Post a Job option from the top navigation menu, so that you can view the ‘Create a New Job’ form

At the bottom of the form, there is a checkbox labelled Add Assessment. Select it if you wish to add an assessment to the job, then click on the Next button.

You will then be redirected to the Assessments Catalogue Page

On this page, you will need to (see gif above):

- Select the appropriate Job Function
- Select the desired assessment within that Job Function (You can click on the tool-tip icons to see detailed descriptions of what the assessments contain)
- Afterwards, select the desired level for the Assessment. (Levels are typically 0 - 5 Years and 5 Years or more. Some Assessments have just 1 level - All Levels)
- Then finish off by clicking Post A Job at the bottom right.
- Your job listing will then go live on the website, with the assessment attached, after a brief approval process
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