Using The Candidate Pools Feature

Creating a candidate pool is similar to creating your very own highly categorized candidates database, structured in a folder-system format of (e.g. folder for accountants, sales execs, civil engineers.....etc) for your own future reference. You can use this as a Talent Pipeline for your company, saving you time when you have positions to fill within your organization.
- Start by clicking on the CANDIDATE POOL option from the navigation bar menu/dashboard, so that you are redirected to the Candidate Pools page
- From the Candidate Pools page, click on the CREATE CANDIDATE POOL button for you to create a Folder where you will add candidates in. Once this ‘pool’ has been created you will have the ability to add candidates in the Folder from the Manage Jobs page as shown below
- For you to remove/edit a ‘pool’ from the candidate pool simply go to the Candidate Pools page and select your option
- Once you have created a candidate pool, adding a candidate to a pool will be as simple as selecting them and then adding them to pre-existing candidate pools as shown below:

Use Case: Creating a candidate pool is similar to creating your very own highly categorized candidates database structured in a folder-system format of (e.g. folder for accountants, sales execs or civil engineers). That way, you don’t need to pay for job adverts if the role that you want to fill matches an already existing candidate pool that has profiles of candidates. This saves you both time and money.
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