How to Manage your Draft Jobs

How to Manage your Draft Jobs

Saving your progress while using the BrighterMonday Applicant Tracking System, is now easier and efficient more than ever.
Here's how the new workflow looks like:
  1. After filling the POST A JOB form, you now have the option to save your progress by clicking on the SAVE DRAFT button, as seen below. Clicking on that button, helps you to save your listing when you do not have all the necessary details for your listing or when you do not have enough job credit to post your listing when filling the post a job form. 

  2. Should you wish to pick up where you left from, simply click on the MANAGE JOBS drop down menu provided in the top section of the ATS, and select the JOBS option. 

  3. Once you find the job of interest, you will be provided 3 easy to use options that will help you to easily resume your work, as seen below:  

This new workflow also comes with the benefit of previewing how your job looks like from the front end. The option to preview the job is as seen in the figure below:

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